Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rap Music's Impact on Culture

This podcast looks at counter arguments as to why rap music may or may not be affecting our society.

What's All The Hoopla

This podcast is about illegal downloading of music isn't that big of a deal

Rap Music isn't a cause, it's an effect

This is a podcast about how Rap music came to be, and many perceptions that come along with it.

Cell Phone useage in school

High schools in America are letting kids use cell phones during class to take notes and share documents.

The Risk is Not Worth the Reward

This podcast is about the effects of illegal music downloading.

Highly Illegal

Illegally downloading media is becoming more and more common througout the world.

Video Game Addiction

This podcast is warning about the dangers of video game addiction.

Teens and Texting

This article is about teens in the age 15 to 20 are using their cellphones while they are driving which can cause a lot of problems such as death and others.

Facebook Privacy Issues

Ansley and Grace did a podcast concerning the privacy issues of Facebook. The articles we read described how information on Facebook can cause indivdual projects for the future.

Childhood Obesity

This is a podcast about how watching television can increase the risk of obesity in children.